Spring 2 Tango - PART 2
Get ready for PART 2 of our 2 intensive Argentine Tango weekends with Canadian Champions Bryant & Faye Lopez and Tango Maestros Hernan...

Hernàn Àlvarez Prieto in Toronto
#torontomilonga #tangosalontoronto #tangoargentin #traditionaltangotoronto #learntangotoronto #TorontoArgentineTango #tangoworkshop

Easter Party Milonguita - Saturday April 15th
Join us for a evening of traditional Argentine Tango on Saturday April 15th! 9pm to 12am DJ BLO $15/p Location: 1578 Bayview Av. #3...

Alma Milonga - February 3th
ALMA MILONGA at the Toronto Center for the Arts The weekly FRIDAY night milonga in North York, Toronto 9pm to 10pm - OPEN Tango Lesson...