Spring 2 Tango - PART 2

Get ready for PART 2 of our 2 intensive Argentine Tango weekends with Canadian Champions Bryant & Faye Lopez and Tango Maestros Hernan Alvarez Prieto & Silvana Dortone from Buenos Aires! The first one was a hit and we saw incredible progress from all of you that attended. There is something to be said about intensive training... it pays off! The final weekend will help propulse you forward as we dive into the fundamental elements of traditional tango and those that give you most comfort and confidence in the dance: The embrace, Figures & Musicality. These workshops are all levels and recommended to take as a package though you can register à la carte. You may register with or without a partner. Here is the schedule MAY 18-19 2019 FRIDAY @ LA MALEVA MILONGA Welcome Milonga not part of workshop packages. Pay a la Carte ----------------------- SATURDAY @ TBA 12PM Men's Technique with Bryant & Hernan and Ladies Technique with Faye & Silvana 1PM Milonga Rhythm 1 with Hernan & Silvana (Break) 2:30PM Vals Turns with Bryant & Faye 3:30PM Tango Sequences & Corridas with Hernan & Silvana 4:30PM Practica and Treats ----------------------- SUNDAY @ BALLROOM ON BAYVIEW 12PM Men's Technique with Bryant & Hernan and Ladies Technique with Faye & Silvana 1PM Milonga Rhythm 2 with Hernan & Silvana (Break) 2:30PM Vals Sequences for small spaces with Bryant & Faye 3:30PM Spring 2 Tango Practica with all teachers ----------------------- PRICES: $250 + HST for all 10 workshops + Practica $40/workshop à la carte Please REGISTER asap by email: info@tangosoul.ca Don't hesitate if you have any questions or inquiries. LOCATIONS: Ballroom on Bayview: 1578 Bayview Av. (2nd floor)